First Quarter Update - April 2024

First Quarter Update - April 2024

January - March

The first official quarter of the WisTech Open projects has come and gone, just like our short winter! The textbooks are all in different stages - some are near completion; others are just beginning to draft outlines - but all will be heartily completed by the June 2025 deadline. This first quarter was all about infrastructure, from developing outreach materials to onboarding our talented editors, many tasks were formative and have set the stage for the real work to begin.

Below you will find general WisTech Open updates, as well as textbook updates from each of their respective editors. Note that the Open RN brand, textbooks, and related resources will all be maintained and sustained through WisTech Open. Remember, if you would like to get involved with one of these projects, visit to sign up!

General WisTech Open Updates

  • Identified and onboarded project team members
  • Roles and expectations infrastructure web page was established
  • Developed WisTech Open branding and marketing materials
  • Pubic web page released for project information and option to sign up to participate
  • Writing workshop was held for project editors, hosted by OpenStax
  • Attended the MHEC OER Summit; currently planning statewide higher education OER strategic planning event with University of Wisconsin, tribal, and private colleges
  • Consulted with projects in the incubation phase, to consider for upcoming funded projects:
    • Anatomy & Physiology
    • Grant-writing
  • Successfully delivered 3 cohorts of OER 101 with 71 graduates
  • Drafted sustainability plan for post-WisTech Open funds
  • Presented on finding OER at Online Learning Summit
  • Redesigned WisTech Open catalog landing page
  • Printing partner, XanEdu, has exited the market; we are actively looking for a new solution for print copies of all developed textbooks

Textbook Updates

Blueprint Reading

The process of accruing various resources and references connected to industrial blueprints has been begun.  Content creation for the beginning text sections is also in progress, encompassing relevant terminology definitions and abbreviations which will be applied throughout the text.  In addition, assessments for these terms and abbreviations have been developed. Submitted by Mark Lorier, Editor

Digital Literacy for Healthcare

About 60% of the textbook chapters have been submitted. The chapters submitted cover such topics as electronic health record, digital communication, cybersecurity, Windows, Word, and electronic health record. The remaining chapters that complete the Word, Excel, and PowerPoint units have been started and need to have student activities added. The goal is to roll out the OER for Fall 2024, though the final revisions will be ongoing. Submitted by Brigitte Niedzwiecki, Editor

Early Childhood Education

Information about the OER grant and process has been shared with the ECE team at CVTC and WTCS. It will be shared with our advisory committee in April 2024. Faculty and Nicole (librarian) have begun to research and identify general resources to support the writing and development process. The CVTC instructors are finishing up curriculum projects for the Foundations of ECE and Family and Community Relationships courses and then hope to begin work on the OER writing as it finishes (May 2024). They have been writing H5P activities for the courses and hope to incorporate those into the textbooks. Submitted by Amanda Dohms, Editor

Medical Terminology (2e)

This second edition was developed based on peer reviewer feedback received for the first edition. The first edition was adapted from OpenStax A&P by a WTCS workgroup of faculty and librarians. Here is an overview of updates made to the second edition. Peer review of the second edition is occurring from March 1- 31st. It is also being piloted in Spring 2024 CVTC courses. The online version of the second edition will be released in the Pressbooks directory by June 1, 2024. Submitted by Kim Ernstmeyer, Editor

Nursing Health Alterations

There are 12 course competencies and 15 chapters in this book. All chapters have been developed and undergone review by the WTCS faculty workgroup. Open RN funds were primarily used for development of this book from September 2023 to Feb 29, 2023. 13 chapters have been uploaded into Pressbooks and have undergone two proofreading passes. We are on target for WTCS Peer Review in May 2024 so the online version can be released in August 2024. Information has been sent out for peer reviewer registration around May 1st. We are also using Next Gen RN grant funds through 6/30/24 to create NCLEX Next-Generation style questions and case studies that will be included in this book. Submitted by Kim Ernstmeyer, Editor

Nursing Health Promotion

This book will replace the Maternal Child book used by three WTCS courses, Health Promotion (543-106), Complex Health Alterations I (543-109), and Complex Health Alterations (543-113). This book will include content for 12 course competencies for 543-106, pediatric content in 543-109, and 3 competencies in 543-113. Many colleges use additional textbooks to meet five course competencies in 543-106. For this reason, the state curriculum committee representative on the WTCS workgroup requested a soft release of the first five chapters of this book so the costs for these additional books could be immediately eliminated for students for Fall 2024 courses when the revised state curriculum will begin to be adopted.

Open RN funds were used from Summer 2023 to 2/29/2023 to reimburse faculty to review existing OER content and begin development of a few prototype chapters, including Teaching/Learning, Healthy Lifestyles, and Healthy Diets. These chapters have undergone workgroup review and initial proofreading passes. One chapter has been uploaded into Pressbooks. Seven chapters on Newborn, Ill Child, Labor/Delivery and Postpartum content will be developed until peer review in Oct 2024. We are also using Next Gen RN grant funds through 6/30/24 to create NCLEX Next-Generation style questions and case studies that will be included in this book. Submitted by Kim Ernstmeyer, Editor

Nursing Fundamentals (2e)

This is the second edition of an Open RN textbook that is being updated based on the 2023 NCLEX-RN Test Plan and updated statewide nursing curriculum, as well as WTCS Course Lead feedback. A survey was sent to WTCS Course leads in Spring 2023. The lead author reviewed content in the book from June 2023-February 2024 and made comments in and using a shared PDF when had to be turned off for Fall courses. A Google doc of suggested revisions was created by the Lead Author based on WTCS Course Lead feedback and her page-by-page review of the first edition. A Master Glossary was created and added to the live online book in January 2024.

The suggested revisions document will be shared with WTCS Course Leads in April 2024 with an opportunity to suggest additional revisions until May. Beginning in May 2024, will be turned on and revisions made to the live book, followed by revisions suggested in the shared PDF, August 2024. Major revisions will be tracked in a document for faculty to be aware of changes in the second edition. The “second edition” will be ready for student use by August 2024. We are also using Next Gen RN grant funds through 6/30/24 to create NCLEX Next-Generation style questions and case studies that will be included in this book. Submitted by Kim Ernstmeyer, Editor

Nursing Management (2e)

This is the second edition of an Open RN textbook that will be updated based on the 2023 NCLEX-RN Test Plan and updated statewide nursing curriculum, as well as WTCS Course Lead feedback. A Master Glossary was created and added to the live online book in January 2024 using Open RN grant funds. An industry RN on the CVTC Nursing Advisory Committee with management experience has agreed to review this book and create NCLEX Next Generation-style case studies using Next Gen RN grant funds through 6/30/24. This individual wrote one of the chapters of the first edition and also served as a peer reviewer, so is familiar with the leveling of the content for A.D.N. students. 

A survey will be sent to WTCS Course leads in April 2024. The lead author will review and update the live book in Summer 2024 with updated references and hyperlinks, as well as make content updates based on the 2023 NCLEX-RN Test Plan and the updated state nursing curriculum. Revisions will also be incorporated based on WTCS Course Lead feedback. WTCS Course Leads will have the opportunity to review these revisions in Fall 2024 and make additional recommendations. The release of the “second edition” is tentatively scheduled for Jan 2025. We are also using Next Gen RN grant funds through 6/30/24 to create NCLEX Next-Generation style questions and case studies that will be included in this book. Submitted by Kim Ernstmeyer, Editor

Nursing Mental Health (2e)

This is the second edition of an Open RN textbook that will be updated based on the 2023 NCLEX-RN Test Plan and updated statewide nursing curriculum, as well as WTCS Course Lead feedback. NCLEX Next Gen-style case questions were created by a CVTC course faculty member and added in Summer 2023 using Open RN grant funds. A Master Glossary was created using Open RN grant funds and will be added to the online live book in Summer 2024. 

A survey will be sent to WTCS Course leads in Fall 2024. The lead author will review and update the live book in Fall 2024 with updated references and hyperlinks, as well as updates based on the 2023 NCLEX-RN Test Plan and the updated state nursing curriculum. Revisions will also be incorporated based on WTCS Course Lead feedback. WTCS Course Leads will have the opportunity to review these revisions in Spring 2025 and make additional recommendations. The “second edition” of the online book is scheduled for June 2025. Submitted by Kim Ernstmeyer, Editor

Respiratory Therapy

Chapters on airway management have been written, including intubation, airway adjuncts and chapter on bag valve masks.  H5P activities have been created to go along with the lab skills and competency checkoffs.  Chapters on the history of the respiratory profession, the professional organizations, infection control, patient safety and patient assessment have been drafted along with laboratory activities.  5 chapters have been placed into a Google Doc.  Chapters on oxygen administration and life support are being reviewed and edited. Submitted by Kirsten Holbrook, Editor